I was drawing website wireframe mock-up designs for my websites since before I even knew what UI, UX, and wireframing was when I started learning HTML back in 1997 … These are some scans I took of old wireframes I was creating for all the websites I wanted to make, and many I made. Even back in 1997 I was t3, but then I was t3bombness. I had t3shouse, t3sgarage. I wanted websites to showcase all the things I was into. While everyone was on ICQ and clicking and looking at websites, I wanted to find out how to make my own. So in 1997 a high school P.E. coach showed me an HTML book and I went to building! I am so sad I had these sites made on geocities and xoom, and places like that because I have since lost them in a horrible hard drive crash of 2002 sad crying face. I knew I would want that old work to show someday. But imagine these wireframes with colors, and lots of animated gifs and MIDI files playing in the background. Good times.
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